Friday, July 25, 2014

Quick and Easy Breakfast : Gluten Free Banana Oats

Gluten Free Banana Oats

Ingredients :
Gluten Free Oats : 1 Cup
Ripe Bananas : 3
2% Milk : 2 Cups
Egg Whites : 2
Vanilla Flavor : 1 Tbsp
Coconut Sugar : 2 Tbsp
Cinnamon Powder: 1 Tsp
Baking Powder : 1 Tsp

Cooking Time : 30 Minutes

Method : Mix all the dry ingredients (oats, baking powder, cinnamon powder, and 1 tbsp coconut sugar ) in a bowl. In a different bowl, mash 2 bananas, mix egg whites and beat the mixture until mixed well. Put 2 cups of milk and vanilla flavor in the banana mixture, mix well. Preheat the oven at 375 degree F. Mix both dry and wet mixtures. Grease butter paper or baking sheet with some butter and place it over the baking tray. Cut the banana into slices and place some of them on the butter sheet, pour the oatmeal mixture on top of the banana pieces. Put the remaining banana pieces over the mixture and bake the mixture for 25 minutes. Once done, take out the oatmeal from the oven and let it cool. Sprinkle the remaining coconut sugar on oatmeal before serving.

Healthy Alternatives : Coconut Sugar and Gluten Free Oatmeal 
Tip : For those of you, who want fewer calories and more nutrition instead of using regular oatmeal use gluten free version. Gluten is a protein found particularly in wheat, barley, rye and commercial oats, that gives elasticity to the dough. Naturally oats do not contain gluten  but they may be rolled in the same facility as wheat, rye or barley so may get contaminated with gluten. I am not a fan of gluten, in my experience it is hard to digest and may cause bloating. Switching to gluten free diet for few days will let you know the difference.

In the above recipe banana will provide natural sweetening, but those of you with sweet tooth, try using coconut sugar as a healthy alternative to the cane sugar. It is derived from sap of cut flower buds of coconut palm tree and has caramelized texture. The coconut sugar has same number of calories per serving, but it is unrefined, rich in mineral content and has low glycemic index. Try this recipe out and let me know your feedback, trust me it tastes really good.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Organic Zucchini Grill

Organic Zucchini Grill 
Ingredients :
Large Organic Zucchini :1
Sea Salt : To taste
Lemon, Cayenne Pepper or Chipotle Grill Pepper Seasoning : To Taste
Olive Oil : 2 Table Spoon

Cook Time: 15 to 20 Minutes

Method :
Wash and cut zucchini into round pieces and brush them with olive oil. High heat the grill, and put the cut pieces onto it. Once the pieces start getting brown, turn the other side, cook until all the water is evaporated. Once the water evaporates, turn the heat to the lowest, let it dry further. Cook for 2-3 more minutes until little crisp and take them off the grill onto a plate. Season with salt and lemon, cayenne pepper seasoning or any seasoning of your choice.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Get your own Basket

In my last blog I introduced my twenty five looking, sixty something friend. I chatted a long time with her to find out what was her secret recipe? She gave some terrific insight about what to eat and what to avoid, which she learned over the years. She had an amazing perspective and gave some tips that inspired others also who were listening to the conversation. Some highlights of the conversation are as follows.

EAT EVERYTHING YOU LIKE, yes that is the exact thing she told me, just eat everything in moderation. She loves dining out, eats half the portion served and gets the other half back home for her next meal. Since the start of the day, she gets her energy from green juices and smoothies.
Keep yourself active as much as you can. At the tender age of sixty, after retirement she runs in the morning, takes yoga class twice a day, plays squash and takes ZUMBA classes. For working people, I know that is too much but you can still walk, take staircases instead of elevator, stretch your muscles along with committed daily one hour of either of cycling, jogging, yoga, swimming or cross training.

Include organically grown vegetables and fruits in your diet. She has subscribed to “Farm Share”, a Community Supported Agriculture initiative through which she receives baskets of organically grown fruits and vegetables. She pays $ six hundred and fifty or a single season to the community and receives her share. The reasons eat organic is, the produce is not loaded with chemical fertilizers and pesticides, is more nutritious and is not genetically modified. Though the produce may look shinier, healthier and brightly colored but by eating genetically engineered crops, we are introducing DNA into our bodies that we’ve never encountered during our millions of years of evolution. Everyone must read book by Jeffery Smith, “Seeds of Deception”.
If you have a piece of land, kitchen garden or even a balcony you can still grow some food on your own. You can grow various plants like cilantro, spearmint, thyme, mustard, basil, tomato, spinach, kale, strawberries or even eggplant in pots. Place the plant on a south-facing balcony, if possible, which is the best location for growing plants, since it gets more sunlight. Some plants that wilt in the direct sunlight grow better in other directions. Lettuce and herbs grow well in more shade, so they will do fine in balconies pointing north. For larger patches of land, you can grow onion, peas, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, radishes, melons, blueberries, turnips and carrots.

There are yet many thoughts and conversations with different people on growing organic food, which I will share in my blogs later, till then reflect on this blog and do share your comments below.







Thursday, April 17, 2014

Green is For Tomorrow

I have started realizing the importance of eating green fruits and vegetables. In my experience I have seen the most healthy and fit people drinking few ounces of green juices every day. What is in the green that gives you tremendous energy just like a Cheetah? I am inspired by a twenty looking something wonder woman who comes at my gym. She is the most flexible, energetic and vibrant person in thousands of others those who come there. One day I thought, why not find out how old actually she is, to my astonishment I found out she is over sixty. I am just half her age!! I always saw her drinking green juices.There must be some magic in the greens.

The green and leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals that fight infections and diseases. They are rich in fiber that reduces the cholesterol and blood pressure, regulate the sugar levels in the blood and control the absorption of carbohydrates.Kale,  Collard and Spinach are rich in calcium that is required for healthy bones and teeth. Vitamins like C for making collagen for various body tissues, beta carotene for liver function, folate for cardio-vascular health, E for skin and eyes, the list is endless.These nutrients help the body in removing toxic waste accumulated through packaged foods, polluted air & water, pesticides, detergents and various other industrial chemicals that we have been ingesting since our birth.

According to various studies the incidence of various auto immune diseases and cancer has increased many times. Between 2001 and 2009, the incidence of type 1 diabetes increased by 23%, according to American Diabetes Association. In an article in CNN Health, cancer cases are nearly surging to 57% percent as is being called as "Human Disaster". This will require renewed focus on prevention as per World Health Organization. 

Also various medical experts say that half of cancers are preventable and can be avoided only by addressing lifestyle factors, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and exercise and screening programs. In 1930s , Dr. Max Gerson developed Gerson Therapy as a treatment for degenerative diseases such as skin tuberculosis, diabetes, and most famously cancer.This therapy is a natural treatment that activates body's extraordinary ability to heal itself by consuming organic, vegetarian diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements although FDA has banned the imports of certain supplements.

The drug and food industry that supply synthetic drugs and packaged foods all over the world have been seeing alternative and natural therapies as a threat to their profit margins. But if we open are eyes and look around there are so many unhealthy, obese and sick people buying packaged food, meats and medicines in various departmental stores. Had they been buying more fresh fruits and vegetables I bet they would be looking much happier and smiling. Our previous generations were much healthier and lived happily, but we have failed to treasure the healthy genes that were passed on to us. Therefore, I earnestly feel all the people in our generation get knowledge about the right food and make it a part of their lifestyle, only healthy us will bear healthy offspring. Let them have a better tomorrow.